FREE ARTICLE from MindGame Mental Training / Written by Titus Warmsley

Potential Mental Traps of Playing with a Star

What would it be like playing with Lebron James? Playing with a star player would raise your game to a higher level, right?

With Kyrie Irving gone from the Cleveland Cavaliers, many people have offered explanations as to why he requested a trade from a team that has one of the best players to ever play the game of basketball.

Portland Trail Blazer point guard Damian Lillard talked about how it must be like playing with LeBron James.

LILLARD: “I mean, it’s a lot of hard work, but I’m not even sure that’s true, but who wouldn’t want to go to the Finals every year. I think they’ve been to the Finals the last three years, so I would love to do that… I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t want to play with [James].”

Unfortunately, many basketball players who play with a star player experience several mental playing issues. Rather making the game easier, playing with a star player has some challenges that you need to address in order to further develop your game.

  • High Expectations: When you play with a star player, the expectations shoot sky high. You are expected to win more. You are expected to raise the level of your play. The problem with high expectations is that it takes you out of the present moment and pushes your mind to focus on possible outcomes in an uncertain future. When your body is in the present and your mind is in the future, your whole being is not on the same page. How can you possibly play your best when you are not 100% focused in the present and giving full effort in the NOW?
  • Comparison: When playing with a star player, some players will play the comparison game, “I’m not as good as…” Comparison only serves to lower your confidence. When confidence is lower, you become less motivated to work on your game and develop your full potential.
  • Feel the need to be perfect: When you play with a star player, you might feel the need to be perfect. Every mistake, turnover or missed shot becomes magnified in your head. The pressure you feel to be perfect generates more anxiety and changes your physiology. These changes in your physiology will affect how you play defense, shoot and pass, often leading to more on-court mistakes.
  • Deferring: When playing with a star player, many basketball players will depend too much on that player. You might tend to pass up shots and sit back waiting for that player to take the game over. Sitting back affects the overall team play and actually prevents you from further developing your game.

You must not only be aware of the potential mental traps of playing with a star player, but know how to overcome these challenges in order to be the best basketball player you can be!

Titus Tips for Playing Your Best when Playing with a Star Player:

Define your game – What do you do well? What is your role on the team? How can you perform your role to the best of your abilities?

Work to improve your game – Your role is not limited to what you can do today. Look to improve your game daily so you can take your game to the next level while contributing more to your team’s success.


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