FREE ARTICLE from MindGame Mental Training / Written by Titus Warmsley

Forging Your Legacy In Basketball

Every basketball player and every competitive athlete needs a guiding force that fuels their career. This athletic legacy is how you want to be remembered when your career is finished.

You have heard all the talk after some athletes have retired…

  • “He was a first round bust”
  • “She was a scrappy player”
  • “She was a clutch scorer”
  • “He was a mentally tough player”
  • “He was lazy and never worked hard in practice”
  • “She was a positive influence on her teammates”
  • “He made everyone around him a better player”
  • “She always choked under pressure.”

Your athletic legacy, the lasting effect you have on everyone that has seen you play, is your mission statement or your personal philosophy that directs every action you take as an athlete.

Being an athlete is no different than having a business. A business first creates a mission statement or a formal declaration of their business objectives, values and aims. After the business has defined their mission statement, long-term and short-term goals are created that are fully aligned with their mission statement. Once goals are set, an action plan is create to outline the specific steps needed to accomplish their goals and fulfill their mission.

Ben Simmons was the 2016 overall No. 1 pick by the Philadelphia Sixers. Unfortunately, in a training camp scrimmage, Simmons fractured his right foot causing him to miss his entire rookie season. Now healthy, Simmons revealed his athletic mission, the very mission that helped keep his motivation high while sitting on the sidelines injured.

SIMMONS: "My goal is to be the best in the league. I'm not worried about other rookies -- I'm worried about the guys at the top, and that's where I want to be."

Despite being injured, Simmons was working toward the legacy he wanted to leave at the end of his career.

SIMMONS: "There was definitely [some advantages to having a year off]. I've had a whole year to grow and learn and focus on what I need to focus on. I think that whole year has really helped me, learning the game, scoring, defense ... everything."

Don’t leave your legacy to chance. Consciously choose what kind of athlete you will become.
So how do you want to be remembered? What will your legacy be?

Tip from Titus: Developing your Athletic Legacy

Your Legacy is a 3 step process. First, write out exactly how you want to be remembered. What do you want your friends, teammates, coaches, opposition and spectators to say about you when you retire from your sport? Be very specific and clear. Just like all successful businesses, this mission statement needs to be written.

Next, set some goals. What do you want to accomplish in 6 months? What do you want to achieve this year?

Next, create an action plan. What steps do you need to take in order to accomplish your objectives?

Remember, what you live is what you leave behind!


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